Title: Gate Sentry Post by: Kyte on April 02, 2006, 06:36:06 pm Leader: Jack Sinist, Junior Guardsman
Attendies: Kyte, Recruit Guardsman Vincent Valantine, Officer Cadet Kurt, Regular Highlander Garak Nightchill, Watchman Going to the barracks, in hope o' doing some things fer meh promotion, I ran across quite a few fellow guardsmans, we decided to set up a sentry for awhile, I set it up while getting the usual 'comments' from Jack Sinist, and we were set up... the waiting began... While we were waiting a drow came throught like it was nothing! And it seem to Vanish outa no where! So we waited and got the order to attack on site, a short while later he decided to show up again! Kurt gave him a mighty hit as he ran off I persued 'im and Knocked 'im out. Later 'e claimed to own a Plot in Cove! Can ye believe it! After all the hustle with the drow everything was quiet once again. Then we decied to pack up. (http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/2056/drow6eb.jpg) ~*Signed*~ Kyte |