Title: Ork fort ore and gold expedition Post by: userjosh5368 on April 08, 2006, 10:38:09 pm What:expedtion to Ork fort
When: 2GMT Bring: Full combat gear,Lots of bandages and yer wits. I was looking a the Miltia armoury stores thee other day and noticed are stocks are runing low we need resources Gold piles are low and we need some more armour making. [OOC] i have resently noticed that cove isnt it lively self i feel putting on more events will make it busy again hope to see some Tomorrow. Signed Felix ex-soldier and citizen of cove Title: Re: Ork fort ore and gold expedition Post by: userjosh5368 on April 09, 2006, 01:49:15 pm Oi you lazy guardsmen were where ye
* raging man shakes fist* Get yer act tergether. signed Felix ex-soldier and citizen of cove [OOC] i have had to cancel the expidition to the lack of able bodys there. |