Title: Fit Fer Duty Post by: Raiden Morana on April 24, 2006, 07:24:31 pm *Raiden wipes the stinking orc blood from his mace, stretches and sits to pen his report* After a little rest and healing away from the Baronship I thought I would get myself fit for active service again with some combat practice against them smelly orcs. After just been made up to Senior Highlander last eve I thought I better get myself fit and lead by example. (http://img270.imageshack.us/img270/8589/uo00087pu.jpg) (http://img288.imageshack.us/img288/6363/uo00098xt.jpg) Bish, bash, bosh 'em orcs went down! Then I went to the Highlander HQ to pay my respects and remember old comrades. (http://img288.imageshack.us/img288/9893/uo00107zk.jpg) By Lithos Delc' retired from soldiering? *signed* Raiden, Senior Highlander. |