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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on April 25, 2006, 09:08:06 pm

Title: Hunt To Shame
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 25, 2006, 09:08:06 pm
Led by: Raiden, Senior Highlander.

Attended by:
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Officer Cadet
Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout

We headed of ter the dungeon Shame to further the glory of the Baronship.

As we worked our way through the maze of tunnels killing all manner of nasties as we went we came across many discarded items of clothing.

This aroused Vince and mine suspicions that a group of strippers (or erotic dancers if you will) had stumbled across the dungeon and got lost.

Well they must be saved... Huzzah!

Cove's finest on the trail.

We passed through several levels of the dungeon slaying elementals and stinking sea creatures as we went.

We then came across one bridge that led to a tower. The strippers er... dancers must be in there!

Once inside we were confonted by some evil wytches which we slaughtered without mercy. *spits* And we found more clothing which Chaffers took a likin' to.

They must be in here somewhere?

We cleared the place room to room killin' the vile buggers tha' were holdin' them nice lasses captive.

Chaffers and I both commandeered beds on which to comfort the poor girls on once we'd found 'em. Vince chose a crate! Hmmm... *smirks*

Beds! Huzzah!

Onwards we went but alas the poor lasses could not be found! We fought our way back out to the dungeon entrance and headed back to Cove.

We recovered twelve thousand pieces of gold which I placed in the coffers and Chaffers acquired a fine pink robe!

Fer Cove!

Some of Cove's finest guardsmen completed another dangerous expedition.

Huzzah! Well done men.


Raiden, Senior Highlander.

Title: Re: Hunt To Shame
Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on April 26, 2006, 09:42:55 am
I do look rather fetching in that robe, just need to sew the arrow/sword/axe holes up and clean the blood off......

Title: Re: Hunt To Shame
Post by: Vince Valentine on April 26, 2006, 06:54:54 pm
Harr! Bloody right! Hrmm, but all that way and no exotic dancers *Frowns*