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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on April 30, 2006, 09:23:13 pm

Title: Report - Gold Ship Raid
Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on April 30, 2006, 09:23:13 pm
Led By:
Nicholi~Officer Cadet

Gregor Eason~Exploring Officer
Raiden Morana~Senior Highlander
Olchafa Serpernt~Regular Scout
Hoagie~Junior Guardsman

I heard about the Yewish transporting stolen gold from Vesper to Yew. So, I took it in my hands to stop the Yewish and return the gold. Weh left da Covian docks wit' two ships, I was commanding one, and Raiden the other. As we reached the Vesper Docks we saw the empty pack horse, but no Yewish! After a bit of thought all our men transfered to one boat and Kyte lead us on to Trinsic, where we met up with the Vesperians. The Vesperians thought of a plan to ensnare the Yewish in a trap. As the Yewish entered the Harbor, we closed closed the trap on the Yewish. We quickly boarded there ships and droped them like flies!
"Arrr! Drop yer weapons and hand over the gold!"

After successfully regaining the Vesperian gold, We decided to celebrate the great victory with a nice drink at Swaggers Inn. As we sailed through the day, Eason began to express his joy by mooning the other boats! Gwhahaha!
Eason turns the other cheek!

All in all I believe this mission an huge success, and that even an sometimes Gruff old Commander can be humorous! *grins*

Nicholi Peyton Ravnthorn
Officer Cadet, Dragoons

Title: Re: Report - Gold Ship Raid
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 30, 2006, 10:38:14 pm
Aye 'em Yewians nay knew what 'ad hit 'em!

An' finely lead by Officer Cadet Ravnthorn.

I have nay seen so much of the world as i did that eve! *grins*

An' i also got ter show off meh sailin' skills scrapin' under two of Vespers bridges!



Raiden, Senior Highlander.

Title: Re: Report - Gold Ship Raid
Post by: Gregor Eason on April 30, 2006, 11:23:23 pm
Indeed. That business of being able to pass those bridges unscathed puzzles my mind, Senior Morana. I shall nay pursue the matter...

But good show, Cadet Ravnthorn. A grand first outing in ye role as Officer Cadet!

Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer
Covian Army & Baronship Council

Title: Re: Report - Gold Ship Raid
Post by: Octiovus on May 01, 2006, 12:52:23 am
Good show cadet!

And put some damn pantaloons on for once, Gregor!

Title: Re: Report - Gold Ship Raid
Post by: Kyte on May 01, 2006, 02:17:26 am
Aye it was fun sailing for ye Nich! Tell meh if ye need help sail'en again!

Kyte, Watchman