Title: Report - Gold Ship Raid Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on April 30, 2006, 09:23:13 pm Led By:
Nicholi~Officer Cadet Attending: Gregor Eason~Exploring Officer Raiden Morana~Senior Highlander Olchafa Serpernt~Regular Scout Hoagie~Junior Guardsman Kyte~Watchman I heard about the Yewish transporting stolen gold from Vesper to Yew. So, I took it in my hands to stop the Yewish and return the gold. Weh left da Covian docks wit' two ships, I was commanding one, and Raiden the other. As we reached the Vesper Docks we saw the empty pack horse, but no Yewish! After a bit of thought all our men transfered to one boat and Kyte lead us on to Trinsic, where we met up with the Vesperians. The Vesperians thought of a plan to ensnare the Yewish in a trap. As the Yewish entered the Harbor, we closed closed the trap on the Yewish. We quickly boarded there ships and droped them like flies! (http://img289.imageshack.us/img289/7207/boat19ud.jpg) "Arrr! Drop yer weapons and hand over the gold!" After successfully regaining the Vesperian gold, We decided to celebrate the great victory with a nice drink at Swaggers Inn. As we sailed through the day, Eason began to express his joy by mooning the other boats! Gwhahaha! (http://img290.imageshack.us/img290/7504/boat35mc.jpg) Eason turns the other cheek! All in all I believe this mission an huge success, and that even an sometimes Gruff old Commander can be humorous! *grins* *Signed* Nicholi Peyton Ravnthorn Officer Cadet, Dragoons Title: Re: Report - Gold Ship Raid Post by: Raiden Morana on April 30, 2006, 10:38:14 pm Aye 'em Yewians nay knew what 'ad hit 'em!
An' finely lead by Officer Cadet Ravnthorn. I have nay seen so much of the world as i did that eve! *grins* An' i also got ter show off meh sailin' skills scrapin' under two of Vespers bridges! Huzzah! *signed* Raiden, Senior Highlander. Title: Re: Report - Gold Ship Raid Post by: Gregor Eason on April 30, 2006, 11:23:23 pm Indeed. That business of being able to pass those bridges unscathed puzzles my mind, Senior Morana. I shall nay pursue the matter...
But good show, Cadet Ravnthorn. A grand first outing in ye role as Officer Cadet! Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council Title: Re: Report - Gold Ship Raid Post by: Octiovus on May 01, 2006, 12:52:23 am Good show cadet!
And put some damn pantaloons on for once, Gregor! Title: Re: Report - Gold Ship Raid Post by: Kyte on May 01, 2006, 02:17:26 am Aye it was fun sailing for ye Nich! Tell meh if ye need help sail'en again!
Signed Kyte, Watchman |