Title: Destard Hunt! Post by: Kyte on May 01, 2006, 01:49:54 pm To Destard
30/4/06 Brin: normal Kits Leader: Nicholi, Officer Cadet Attendees: Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergent Olchfa Serpent, Regular Scout Vlad, Junior Guardsman Kyte, Watchman Henry Dreat, Guardsman Recruit We' were suppose ter kill a Gold'en Dragon, but we didn' think we 'ad enough people fer it, so we decided ter goto destard instead, as we' battled our way down... (http://img470.imageshack.us/img470/6103/onoutway2bm.jpg) Weh Decided yer take on one of those Ancient Wyrms... Thinking it would beh nay match for us Guardsman! Hoo Hah! We stuggled more than I thought, but we' were still Victorious! (http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/1561/grabbingtrophy2he.jpg) *~Signed~* Kyte, Watchman Title: Re: Destard Hunt! Post by: userjosh5368 on May 01, 2006, 02:40:00 pm Good report lad aye maybe bit ong next time nice drawing though.
Signed Vlad Junior guardsmen of cove Title: Re: Destard Hunt! Post by: Vince Valentine on May 01, 2006, 07:07:51 pm Ye missed out the part where i single handedly slayed 3 dragons on me own!
*Clears his throat* Good report anywho, seems young Nicholi got a couple of trophies on this one eh? Signed Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |