Title: Sentry at Cove Post by: Salidin on May 03, 2006, 09:28:45 pm Sentry at Cove
When: 02/05/2006 Where: Cove Town Bring:Normal Kit Commanding Officer: Salidin Junior Grenaider Guardsmen in attendance: - Vlad Junior Grenaider - Vince Valentine Corparal Grenaider - Kyte watchman - Olchafer Regular Scout - Henry Dreat Recruit What: We decided to do a Gate sentry at Cove we set about building the gate and it was built very welll we all then took up positions and we sat out the night making sure that all was well (http://img400.imageshack.us/img400/7547/untitled0kw.png) Signed Salidin |