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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on May 07, 2006, 02:01:39 am

Title: Into the unknown
Post by: Vince Valentine on May 07, 2006, 02:01:39 am
Guardsmen in attendance

Nicholi                 Officer Cadet    Dragoons
Vince Valentine   Grenadier Sergeant
Gregor Eason      Exploring Officer (had to leave after a short while)

We had heard the rumours, and decided that it would be wise to see what all of the fuss was about.
We had heard that there would be a meeting at minoc moongate on this eve, so we cautiously made our way there. Upon arrival, we saw many people waiting, obviously as curious as we were.


Soon after, we were instructed by lady flame to make our way to compassion, our destination, the wisp dungeon deep in the mountains.
We made our way through the rather swish interior to a room where there stood an ankh, with a strange red wisp hovering


Thankflly, some of the folk there spoke a bit of wispish, and managed to extract the words to enable us to move deeper into the dungeon....

Once we had arrived there though, we were cautious as to whether we wanted to be there or not! No ground lay beneath us, and no sky above! Was this limbo? I nay know, but the place gave me the shivers all the same.


There appeared to be water barrels, floating in thin air! I could hardly believe my eyes! Putting aside our disbelief, we ventured forth, coming across many displayed gems of huge size, and a plie of books which, when read, took you to a deeper part of the strange place! After closer examination of the braziers that littered the small islands of tiles there, we ended up at a place with a lone wisp, who we hoped would answer our questions.


After much questioning (and a heck of alot of wisp-talk) we managed to get an answer of sorts....
The overall verdict is that we should all be awares, there was talk of an armageddon spell, and everything changing...
Be aware guardsmen! Keep an eye out for anything you can, information is power.
Any stray runes you see, check them out, any suspious books you manage to find, study them closely, for we shall all need to band together if what this wisp was saying is right....

             Vince Valentine
           Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: Into the unknown
Post by: Henry Dreat on May 07, 2006, 10:50:55 am
What the hell...

Title: Re: Into the unknown
Post by: Gregor Eason on May 08, 2006, 03:36:57 am

Looks like I should have stayed around a bit longer.
Good show.
Armageddon, eh? Nay if WE can help it! Gwahahah!

Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer
Covian Army & Baronship Council