Title: Beat Back the Hordes! - Report Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on May 08, 2006, 11:00:17 pm Led By:
Nicholi~Officer Cadet Attending Vince Valentine~Greniader Sergeant Jennifer Feather~Officer Cadet (Left early) Vlad~Junior Greniader Edmund Rufus~Junior Scout (Arrived Late) I noticed ah increase o' Orcs abou' our shire, so I figured it was about time to have an extended slaughtering o' 'ems! At first weh set up camp a little ways outside o' da fort. Weh barleh got it when wehs' were attack by a small group o' orcs! But, it was nay problem, we slew them easily! (http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/1762/horde12rv.jpg) Siege! [/i]A little while after taking down the first attack of the orcs, we headed inside to cut off there escape route! With a little help from the Grenaiders, weh took there docks out! (http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/3185/horde27ok.jpg) Burn Baby Burn! After setting the docks on fire, we return to our fortifications to plot our secound attack, to wipe them out! After a little of consideration I decided we will just storm in and lay all out siege upon them! But, as we did, the Orcs came up with a horde of their Brutes! Their numbers overwhelmed us, a couple men fell. (http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/2791/horde41ov.jpg) Fall back! [/i]Shortly after regrouping weh stormed in again, this time we struck hard! The orcs were folding to our power! We took the fort! (http://img465.imageshack.us/img465/5318/horde52mo.jpg) Victory! [/i]*Signed* Nicholi Peyton Ravnthorn Officer Cadet, Dragoons Title: Re: Beat Back the Hordes! - Report Post by: Vince Valentine on May 09, 2006, 09:15:45 am Harr! Nay smelly orcs can better us! Ever!
*Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Beat Back the Hordes! - Report Post by: userjosh5368 on May 11, 2006, 09:34:51 am Aye was grand my friend we beat em after there hordes came.
Yet the buggers still breed like rats Bah! Signed Vlad Junior grenadier of cove [OOC- sorry i was unable to do the report Nicholi have been in France for the past few days so havent been able to sorry] |