Title: COMPLETE: Grenadier Training Thursday 1st June 6.30pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on May 18, 2006, 08:49:37 am Alright you lot, you're in the finest division of the Covian Army, it's time to show us your stuff! I will be holding an extensive grenadier training session soon, and i need to know if you have any other duties. Can't have a grenadier session without grenadiers can ye? No. Of course not. Exactly. Hmm... *Clears throat*
I'm thinking Sunday at the sixth hour (21/15/06 6pm GMT) If you have other buisness at this time i'll reschedule it. Sign below, stating if you can make it or not please. Signed Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Attention Grenadiers! Post by: Salidin on May 18, 2006, 08:52:03 am I will be there Sir i only had a appointment with a nice lady see but Grenaider stuff comes first
Title: Re: Attention Grenadiers! Post by: Vince Valentine on May 30, 2006, 07:26:47 am Hmm seems this one's been overlooked....We'll soon fix that!
When: Thursday 1st june 6.30pm GMT Where: Outside the northside tavern What to bring: Full combat armour, bandages, as many weapons as ye can carry! Fellow Grenadiers, since alot has happened over the past few days, this will now happen Thursday eve (1/06) at 6.30pm GMT. Of course with the political talks and such, this could be subject to change at any time. This training will consist of team training, effective use of explosives and general behaviour that is expected of the finest squad in the covian army! Signed Vince Valentine Senior Grenadier Title: Re: *UPDATED*Grenadier Training Thursday 1st June 6.30pm GMT Post by: userjosh5368 on May 30, 2006, 12:53:02 pm Ah shame sir as much as i would like ter attend i think i have another duty to attend to*mutters*.
Anyways sir i wil update yer if anything happens Signed vlad Junior grenadier of cove |