Title: Hythloth Hunt, the 14th of May around 2000 GMT Post by: Delcarakdur on May 23, 2006, 08:08:45 am Hunt to Hythlot
When: The 14th of May, around 2000 GMT Where: Hythlot Bring: Regular Combat Gear Commanding Officer: Erik Arkay, Senior Grenadier Guardsmen in attendance: - Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant - Delcarakdur, Regular Guardsman - Vlad, Junior Grenadier - Leloo, Watchman What: This eve Erik Arkay decided that the -fat- guardsmen of Cove needed some exercise...Hence he decided to lead us to the demon-infested dungeons of Hythlot. as always the man in charge had a cunning plan and as he gathered up the men, he as always refused to divulge any information, saying that we'd get to know what we need to know in due time. (http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3889/huntnr17vu.jpg) (http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/4585/huntnr23jw.jpg) Fighting our way inside! (http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/8808/huntnr37aw.jpg) Vile magics trap me and Erik At the stairwell to hell! Proceeding with caution down into the dungeon we at first only encountered light resistance in form of lesser demons: Gargoyles and Hell Hounds. But as we proceeded further downwards and trough the magical corridor, we heard the blood-chilling cry of a greater demon! It was here that Erik's cunning plan sprang into action as me and Vlad formed by the gates and held the beast at bay. We were forced to retreat several times due to lesser demons treathning to overwhelm us, but in the end the demon lay dead amongst piles of it's lesser kin. (http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/6616/uo00024nm.jpg) At last! The beast has been slain! Mission accomplished! *signed* Delcarakdur, Regular Guardsman |