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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Delcarakdur on May 23, 2006, 08:39:58 am

Title: Tabbitha' quest! 15/05/06 at 2000 GMT
Post by: Delcarakdur on May 23, 2006, 08:39:58 am
Tabbitha's Quest

When: The 15th of May 2006 at 2000 GMT
Where: Hythlot, started from Cove Barracks

Commanding Officer: Erik Arkay, Senior Grenadier
Guardsmen in attendance:
- Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant
- Delcarakdur, Regular Guardsman
- Thomas Sendrich, Junior Guardsman
- Kyte, Watchman
- Seamus, Watchman

This eve we all gathered at the barracks upon the behest of Erik Arkay. Upon our arrival we were briefed and he gave us all five minutes to get prepared to one of the most arduous missions Covians have ever been to. We had been summoned to help Tabbitha uncover some unknown mystery deep inside the dark and demon-infested dungeons of Hythlot.

Gathering outside the dungeon entrance...everyone began to get organised into squads. From what we had seen on the hunt the day before, this was not going to be easy. There were even some royalists present: The Royal Marksmen and a Britannian Guard. After some short preparations we advanced into the darkness (For you humans at least)...

The assembled forces of good!

Below follows the sketches drawn from the confused combat scenes! It still seems like the forces of good kicked the living daylights out of the nefarious forces of the abyss! There were much milling around and we even had to call upon the assistance of certain strange-clad mounted taints (In funny colors if I might add), to find what we searched for.

You gotta fight for your right! Fight for your right too partyyy *cough cough* Freeedomm!

At last we found the ghostly demon...apparently some of it's own kin must have slayed it. It kept on ranting about Inu the Crone and several other names which I cannot recall now.

The weird demon...almost as weird as Erik...Mr Spider and all...

Finally, after Tabbitha had finished questioning the demonic ghost, we were gated back to the Knight's Hospitalliers Headquarters. Everyone, except perhaps Erik Arkay breathed a sigh of relief upon leaving the hellish dungeon.

The proud army returns!

After being dismissed, we headed back to Cove for some well deserved rest!

Delcarakdur, Regular Guardsman

Title: Re: Tabbitha' quest! 15/05/06 at 2000 GMT
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on May 23, 2006, 08:49:32 am
Excellent report!

Great work!