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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on May 23, 2006, 02:50:40 pm

Title: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on May 23, 2006, 02:50:40 pm
Ho ho, another one of those sneaky lads is approaching the fine honor of wearing the Covian Cap eh? As we all know, Scouts have to earn it twice for bein' sneaky gits!

Watchman Trial: Kyte


* Seek out the Rebel leaders in Vesper and make arrangements for relief aid.
* Protect our Covetous mines by holding a sentry
* Organise a Rebel training at a secure location.


* You shall hold at least one mission to seek out Rebel leaders and find out what they are lacking in goods
* You shall organise and hold at least one relief caravan to Vesper. At least 4 guardsman will take part in this caravan.
* The Sentry at the Covian Mines will be attended by no less then 3 guardsmen. It will last at least for one UO-night. Make sure your fellow guardsmen are entertained during the sentry!
* You shall invite all rebel factions to the training and hold it yourself. Come up with a few new and interesting 'games' to do during the trainings.
* All actions must be noted down in this thread with lots of drawings!

Good luck!

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Kyte on May 23, 2006, 03:08:25 pm
*Kyte pulls the parchment down from the boards and begins to read it

Hmm.. Its 'bout time weh decided ter 'elp out Vesper... and I'm glad I get ter beh the one ter stir things up!

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Kyte on May 25, 2006, 04:15:22 am
The Caravan to Vesper

          Kyte, Watchman

              Jenifer Feather
              Kado Gael
              Derik Milako II
              Armand Orlean

Weh met up at the barracks and Nich gathered the horses and Jen gathered the weapons.  Shortly after the Vesper Knights showed with a good number.. Shortly after that Kiran along with some more of the Vesper Trading Company showed... Weh 'ad a grand show up and decided to get things under way..


Weh got under way and everything seemed ter beh moving smoothly until weh got ter the crossroads... Them bloodi Yewans 'ad a blockade set up with some of them other bloodi Loyalists.. Weh quickleh were in battle, but it was quickleh ended most of the yewans were defeated and some of them flead leaving a victory for us and the weapons successfully transported!


A Victory for the North!
And soon a free North!

        Kyte, Watchman

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: userjosh5368 on May 25, 2006, 10:09:28 am
Oi lad i gave yer a list of names who attended and yer forgot ter put me on yer ejit!

Vlad JUnior grenadier of cove

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on May 25, 2006, 10:40:56 am
Excellent work Kyte!

A grand victory and weapons safely delivered! If the Covian Army stays true to it's mission to Free the North we shall prevail. By Avatar's and Lord Octiovus' blessing Cove will thrive again!

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Kyte on June 27, 2006, 10:49:53 pm

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Kyte on June 27, 2006, 11:53:39 pm
Sentry At Cove Mines

Kyte, Watchman

Hoagie, Junior Dragoon
Edmund Rufus, Junior Scout
Nathan Algren, Recruit Gaurdsman

Weh headed out to the cove mines and inspected and cleared the inside of all hostile threats.. Then we set up our defence!

Look at that Defence!

Then the waiting began..! We waited then when we inspected the mine again we found a Crate full of ale!  We decided to inspect it and make sure it wasn't poisoned.. 


The testing began..

Later on we er.. Found! Tammy's Swaggers Uniform.. and Nathan Gladly Volanteered to wear it! *nod nod*  He looked Dashing and we even debated Finding Kiran and seeing if he would employ Nathan..

We waited even more with normore threats wanting to aproach our defence (not that I blame them!) And packed up and headed back to the barracks!

Kyte, Watchman

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Raiden Morana on June 28, 2006, 07:04:15 am
Ah Kyte, good to have you back laddie!

Well done my young apprentice *smirks* you'll be a Junior in no time!



Raiden, Senior Grenadier

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Kyte on October 21, 2008, 10:30:23 pm
*Bump* Under the name of Brad

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Kyte
Post by: Kyte on September 19, 2009, 02:07:36 am
*Trials have been retrieved from a endless mound of reports*