Title: Sentry at Cove Gates Post by: Kado Gael on May 26, 2006, 02:04:23 pm Led by:
Junior Grenadier Vlad Sentry held at: Cove Gates Attended by: Junior Grenadier Vlad Recruit Kado Gael Recruit Darek Watchman Lysandra Sinn gathered at the cove gates for a sentry as Vlad ordered sinn to do. The sun was still bright when sinn started. Mi and Darek started with gathering hides to cover it. The crates were supplied by the barracks. sinn used the crates from yesterdays sentry. When sinn were done building it, the clouds had covered the sun and it was dark, that is when Watchman Lysandra showed up and reported for duty. Ise was a wee bit late for the building but ah well.. Bhrudone passed the sentry, seems cove is bhrud the favourite place to come anymore. |