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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on June 07, 2006, 08:24:02 am

Title: Watchman Trial: Perun
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on June 07, 2006, 08:24:02 am
Aha! Fine pair o' legs that lass! Err....I mean, excellent watchman! Not a kitten to handle without gloves. But now it is time for her to move on to even greater achievements!

Watchman Trial: Perun


* You shall lead an expedition of guardsmen deep within the Dungeon of Doom
* You will construct a sentry at the Covian gates
* The borders needs constant patrolling. A series of patrols will be led by you to insure their safety.


* At least six guardsman will accompany you to Doom
* You shall make your way to the ferryman and buy your passage to the other side of the River!
* The sentry will include no less then 5 fellow guardsmen
* You will provide for games or entertainment of your choosing to make the hours pass faster
* The patrols to secure the border will lead to the Buccaneer's Den Gate, Altmere and the Covetous Mines. These will be seperate patrols.
* All events must come with a report written in this location.

Good luck lass!

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Perun
Post by: Perun on June 13, 2006, 07:23:04 pm

*Perun shatters her sketching kit to pieces with her mighty axe*

*She snatches up the quill and parchment with a wild look in her eye*


Led by:
Perun, Watchman

Attended by:
Vlad, Junior Grenadier
Mela, Guardsman Recruit (briefly)
Boo Little, Guardsman Recruit
Will Little, Guardsman Recruit
Kado Gael, Watchman
Vincent Redfield, Regular Dragoon

It took some doing but i managed to drag the two brothers away from the bar in the barracks. Little is their name i believe. Tried to fool me by looking for supplies while all they were after was ale!

Anyway the bar cleared we arived at the gates and set about constrcucting the outpost. Mela and the Little brothers went to fetch some hides while the rest of us got to work.

Vlad and Vincent being the more experienced fighters went undercover *coughs* to test the positions defences. The rest of us had to stand firm and keep Cove safe.

A Besieger and some strange green clad fella attacked and were beaten back three times by our small band of Watchmen and Recruits. Showing that the future of the Covian army is looking good.

With all quiet in Cove town and our attackers beaten into retreat we dismantled the sentry post and i dismissed the men.

If i missed ye off the report please sign below.

*mutters about her destroyed sketching kit*


Perun, Watchman.

[ooc]Spent all night pressing Fn & Print Scrn and the bugger didn't work :P[/ooc]

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Perun
Post by: Perun on June 13, 2006, 07:30:49 pm

Led by:

Perun, Watchman

Attended by:
Joey Lanai, Dragoon Corporal
Vlad, Junior Grenadier
Will Little, Guardsman Recruit

Again I'm afraid there are nay sketches. I'm gonna kill *coughs* have a word with the scribe who sold it me. *smiles evily*

We headed out from Cove through the shire to Vesper crossroads and the strange gateway that leads to Buccaneers Den. We despatched a party of brigands and a few ogres and deadites that roamed our woods.

When we arrived at the crossroads we set up a picket sentry around the gateway to make sure nayone who could be a threat to Cove was in the area.

With all being quiet I ordered our party back to the barracks where I dismissed trhe men.


Perun, Watchman.

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Perun
Post by: Perun on June 20, 2006, 09:54:42 pm
Patrol Of Covetous Mining Region

Led By:
Perun, Watchman

Attended by:
Hoagie, Junior Dragoon
Kado Gael, Junior Dragoon
Mela, Watchman
Deveriath Fae'a, Guardsman Recruit
Kelly, Guardsman Recruit

We set out from the barracks through the shire disposing of random harpies, trolls and ettins etc. as we headed towards Covetous.

Damn vermin!

I rallied the troops at the lower mines and explained what the patrol was about.

Lets get it on!

We checked the area for monsters and intruders but the lower mines were clear.

(http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/16/uo00054gw.jpg) (http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/1189/uo00066ab.jpg)
One in... all in!

We worked our northwestward around the mountain to the next mining vein. Things seemed to be rather quiet... no nasties... no intruders... not even any miners... *smiles evily*

(http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/2087/uo00103to.jpg) (http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/753/uo00132nu.jpg)
"Aaaaiiiieee!!! Undead!!! Kill him..? Can you kill the undead? *shrugs* kill him anyway. *smiles evily*

We despatched the deadite! Mela taking a knuckle as a trophy. A horrible whisper on the wind as it made it's death rattle. "Caaaaagggguuuunnnn......"

We continued onwards securing all the remaining mining spots. We did enconter one fella mining for ore... He was dressed rather smartly for a miner and had a beastie the likes of which i have never seen... it seemed to smoulder? Think it'd from 'em islands where the yella folks live?

All is well and thanks to the Covian army, the Covetous mines are safe once more!

With all the mines secure and all deadites... er... dead we returned to Cove where i dismissed everyone. A job well done!


Perun, Watchman.

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Perun
Post by: Perun on June 20, 2006, 10:16:00 pm
Patrol To Altmere Outpost

Led by:
Perun Watchman

Attended by:
Hoagie, Junior Dragoon
Mela, Watchman
Deveriath Fae'a, Guardsman Recruit

I gathered all the available guardsmen around me and made for the Altmere Outpost to conclude my patrol requirements.

The shire was quiet... Nay brigands, nay many monsters and anything that did move was taken down by Mela and her crossbow before any of the rest of us could get close enough the swing! *scowls*

We made good time to the outpost, which appeared to be deserted. We patrolled the surroundin' area then entered the fortification just to be sure.

All clear! No deadites, Yewians or other scum lurking about!

With the region cleared and secured and with no sign of any intruders i marched the squad back to barracks double time and dismissed them.

Er... well done and all that... Dismissed! *mutters about lack of slaying*


Perun, Watchman

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Perun
Post by: Perun on June 23, 2006, 10:06:22 pm
Expedition To The Dungeon Doom

Attended by:
Perun, Watchman (leading)
Mela, Watchman
Nicholi, Dragoon Officer Cadet
Vincent Redfield, Junior Dragoon
Hoagie, Junior Dragoon
Vlad, Regular Grenadier
Drake Reilly, Guardsman Recruit

I rallied my squad at the barracks from where we headed out to Umbra. We made our way through the corrupted forest slaying the undead as we went and formed up outside the evil dungeon.

Many an adventurers bones were stacked high outside Doom as a warning to all who may ponder entering this Avatar forsaken place. But fortunately us Covians are made of sterner stuff! Especially us women, eh Mela? *smiles evily*

We charged heriocally into the dungeon and the squad formed on my command as we were set about by all manner of undead beats. The lone Grenadier and the three Dragoons stood side by side to repel the beats and Mela, Drake and I held up our end slaying whatever crossed our path.

Our teamwork, healing and Covian spirit held true as we repulsed wave after wave of foes.

Bones was what we needed to buy passage to the deadly gauntlet but the deadites didn't seem to want to part with them and when they did, they did their best to get them back.

We battled long and hard, advancing then being forced back, regrouping and advancing again. It was a fine show of Covian fighting by all involved specially the Dragoons and Vlad.

It seemed as soon as we amassed a pile of bones the buggers would come back and take them from us so we decided to take what we had to the hag that dwells deep in the dungeon but she kept wanting more and more!

Vincent tried to sweet talk her into letting us pass but she was having none of it, bones was what she needed and we were running low on supplies! We charged again and again against the endless hordes of undead that barred our way but still she wanted more... Pah! Bloody wytch! Burn her is what i say!

All but out of bandages and our torches dwindling we made a tactical withdrawl *coughs* to a hidden vault where a gateway led to sanctuary back in the forest.


A grand and famous victory for Cove! We braved the dungeon Doom and lived to tell the tale!!!!

Well done everyone. FOR COVE!!!


Perun, Watchman.

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Perun
Post by: Jenifer Feather on June 24, 2006, 12:14:15 pm
Har Har! Excellent work lass! A very impressive completion of your Watchmans trials! I look forward to setting your Light Company Trials very soon!

Signed : Jenifer Feather

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Perun
Post by: Vince Valentine on June 24, 2006, 11:47:06 pm
Mmm, aye, a VERY impressive set of...err...trials *Winks*