Title: CANCELED: Defensive Works in Vesper - 9PM GMT - Tuesday 13/6 Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on June 12, 2006, 12:51:55 pm At the hour of 9:00 GMT we shall head over to Vesper and start to construct some defensive structures. We may also build a siegedevice to attack the Loyalist Garrisons
Title: Re: SOON: Defensive Works in Vesper - 9PM GMT - Tuesday 13/6 Post by: userjosh5368 on June 13, 2006, 12:16:09 pm *recives a peigion for the captain*
Ah yes...... want me to set up the defenses earlier *nods as he reads the note* Ah so it shall be done! *scribbles on the board* Meet at the vesperian bank 8.15 GMT as ordered by captain Arkay. Ill be handling the stuff but i could do with som carpentars! Be there or taste steel! Signed Vlad Junior grenadier of cove |