Title: Grenadier Trials: Raziel von Richter Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on June 20, 2006, 08:00:58 am So, a von Richter in the Grenadiers eh? He better not be counting on favouritism! If he wants to serve in the bronze arms he'll have to prove himself more admirably then the others. *Rubs his chin* How are we to test this ones metal?
Grenadier Trials: Raziel von Richter Tasks * Prove your ability to master and inspire Discipline by holding a training for the guardsmen * Establish yourself as one of the Brothers by leading a Grenadier Hunt into Blackthorne's Castle! * A Grenadier must prove his Loyalty to the Baron. You shall to this end lead an important caravan. * You will go through an acceptance ceremony held by your fellow Grenadiers Details * At least 6 guardsmen will attend your training. * Only Grenadiers may accompany you on the hunt to Blackthorne's Keep * You shall slay there at least one betrayer * You will contact a man named Lyim Rashidat in Trinsic. You shall purchase from him a number of conflagration kegs. You shall contact a man named Wesley of the Indomitable and arrange to have the cargo shipped from Trinsic to Cove. You shall personally oversee the safety of the cargo during this mission. Good luck Raziel! Title: Re: Grenadier Trials: Raziel von Richter Post by: userjosh5368 on June 20, 2006, 02:43:24 pm C'ome on lad get yer Trials done we need another brother in arms!
Signed Vlad regular Grenadier of cove Title: Re: Grenadier Trials: Raziel von Richter Post by: Hrothgar on June 30, 2006, 02:26:35 am Barracks Training Session
Well as part of my Grenadier initiation tasks, i was instructed to lead a training session for my fellow guardsmen. The chosen training was in Formations, orders and team battles. (http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/5283/13sa.png) We began with refreshing the basic orders just as Ready arms, At Ease, and such. Then moved on to the advanced such as Tracker's line, form, reform and more. I was actually surprise at how well the Recruits and Watchmen were familiar with the tactical orders. (http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/4632/23hx.png) The orders went great so we moved on the next chapter, charge and reform. I placed an iron helmet like the ones the loyalists use at one end of the arena, the men formed at the other end. I gave the order to charge, they surrounded the "Loyalist" with violent intentions until i gave the order to reform. This too went extremely well. (http://img306.imageshack.us/img306/1462/32fx.png) The training then ended with a few team battles and a good old free for all. (http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/2365/44jk.png) Unfortunately i didn't do so well in that last part... The training as a whole went smoothly, task completed successfully. Signed- Raziel Von Richter |