Title: Cove Power Hour's! [RTR] Post by: Octiovus on December 09, 2004, 06:15:12 pm In a similar way to the Vesper one's, simply everyone log's in 8 - 9 PM every night (unless another event is going on) and create's spontaneous roleplay.
Hope to see you all there! Regards. Octie. Title: Re: Cove Power hour's! [RTR] Post by: Dellamona on December 11, 2004, 03:27:12 am Will be sir
*poorly salutes* Doh can never get used to this *walks away sad* Title: Re: Cove Power hour's! [RTR] Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on February 15, 2007, 10:18:27 pm This still in effect?
Otherwise I'd be all for re-instating it. (sorry to bump a topic from ages ago, but thought it was worth it) Title: Re: Cove Power Hour's! [RTR] Post by: Shadwell on February 16, 2007, 10:03:04 am Funny. It's being discussed for a few days now.
And I think it's coming back. |