Title: Army Duties : Collecting materials. Post by: Jenifer Feather on June 22, 2006, 12:00:33 pm Collecting Materials.
Right! The Scouts supply cupboard is looking very are, i want someone (anyone, ye nay have ter be a scout or an aspiring scout) to organse some material collection runs. We be needing some new armour, some new weapons and some nightshade fer poisoning, the farm isn't giving a good harvest at the moment. Requirements: * One hundred spined, barbed and horned leather sheets. * One hundred shadow iron ingots. * One hundred leafs of nightshade. How you go about gettin' these materials is yer own buisiness, but i'd say gathering some men together and hunting for them is yer best bet! I want a nice pretty report in 'ere, and send me a pigeon when yer have th' stuff so i can collect it.. Pigeon Number : 219-483-105 Signed : Jenifer Feather Title: Re: Army Duties : Collecting materials. Post by: Dwral on June 22, 2006, 01:49:14 pm I can get you all of this within the day. Especially the Nightshade leaves and the leather will be easy to come by as I already happen to have some stacks at my stores. Although I am aware this reads "Army duty", I'd be happy to help any guardsmen wanting to take on this task.
*signed* Vincenzio, Alchemist |