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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Darek Milako on June 24, 2006, 01:42:04 pm

Title: Trainin' an' Big Free For All
Post by: Darek Milako on June 24, 2006, 01:42:04 pm
Rooftop Trainin'
Lead by: Regular Guardsman Tiberius
Watchman Darek Milako
Junior Dragoon Kado Gael
Officer Cadet Nicholi
Scout Sergeant Jennifer Feather
Guardsman Recruit Kelly
Guardsman Recruit Kaewon Snaels
An' Ah believe tha' beh all

We lined up an' started with some drills. First Tib gave a speech about how dicipline will be inflicted while he is near since lately men an' woman haven' been callin' each other Sir or Ma'am an' soldiers 'ave been fergettin' teh salute. Then he made us all call off our name an' rank. So we all got teh know each other. Then he asked us who knew their orders. Ah was the onleh one teh say Ah did until he screamed. Then everybody else followed. After tha' we practiced our war cries an' ARM UP, READY ARMS, an' AT EASE orders.
When tha' was over we started into our excersises. We firs' did ten push ups follwed by five laps o' the arena. Poor Nich couldn' keep up with nothin due to mud. Even the new recruit beat 'im. *sighs*
So while we waited fer Nich teh finish 'is laps we welcomed two recruits teh join in. Then we practiced our FORM drill an' boxed aroun' Tib.
So when we go' the drills down, t'was time fer a Free for All. With so many soldiers in the arena the mud go' heavy fer meh so Kaewon took meh out fast.
After a long fight, t'was down teh Nich an' Tib. A gruesome fight i' t'was too. Ahm lucky teh 'ave 'em both on meh side. *grins* Bu' Nich pulled out teh the top an' ended 'is slow streak teh win the Free for All.
                                                  Watchman Darek Milako

Title: Re: Trainin' an' Big Free For All
Post by: Octiovus on June 24, 2006, 05:36:31 pm
Grand report watchman!

Hope someone learned sommin'.
