Title: Sneaking Training Post by: Nathan Algren on June 25, 2006, 12:44:23 pm 25/06/06
Mela (Watchman) Olchafa Serpernt (Officer Cadet) took me (Nathan Algren, (Guardsman Recruit) and Edward O'Shea (Guardsman Recruit) through a sneaking training excercise today. Objective: To successfully sneak up on Olchafa Serpernt unnoticed. Title: Re: Sneaking Training Post by: Mela Arkay on June 26, 2006, 12:16:41 am Thats probably the most breifly write report ever. Look at other reports for examples.
Mela Title: Re: Sneaking Training Post by: Delcarakdur on June 26, 2006, 09:27:18 am *lying in his sick bed at the healers house in Cove, Delc shifts trough some copies of the reports for today...Suddenly coming across one note, he grunted and quickly scribbled a note, laying it in the post bag.*
Sharpen up those reports recruit. I want pictures and a detailed description of the event at hand. Do not disappoint yer superiors *signed* Delcarakdur, Regular Guardsman |