Title: Gate Duty Post by: Kelly Sanderson on June 25, 2006, 12:45:52 pm Gate Duty (Cove Gates)
Time: 10:30am. Led by: Jenifer Feather (Scout Sergeant) Guardsmen in Attendance: Kelly (Recruit) Kado Gael (Junior Dragoon) Edward O'Shea (Recruit) Aim: To build a wall around the Entrance to Cove and prevent harmful things/people entering. Jenifer began the duty by showing us how to build the wall up with hides and crates. Kado came and helped around half-way through, which got the job done a lot faster. We all watched the gates for around twenty minutes, before deciding that the gate was definately clear. Myself and Edward discussed our future plans for rank. Jenifer suggested I should be a Scout, wheras Edward has a desire to become a Dragoon. Nothing much more to report. Cove was as quiet and as peaceful as it should be. No disturbances or anything of the like, Apart from a suspicious deer. We cleared up and headed out for a patrol. Signed: Recruit Guardsman, Kelly Sanderson. |