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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Darek Milako on June 25, 2006, 12:56:59 pm

Title: Training
Post by: Darek Milako on June 25, 2006, 12:56:59 pm
*scribbles on a piece of parchment*
Lead by: Kado Gael

We all lined up on the rooftop of the barracks o' course, gettin' readeh fer a trainin'. Kado started with some orders as in Form and Trackers Line, 'e tried teh mess us up with fake orders bu' Ah nay fell fer 'em, unlike Edward *smiles*. If yer fell fer the wrong order or did somethin' wrong Vlad would 'it ye' with 'is big hammer thing.
We then ran 10 laps around the arena followed by 20 push ups. After the excercise we did some sparrin'. First was the recruits an' Ah against Vlad an' Kado. We failed both attempts due to lack o' healin'. Bu' then t'was Meh, Kelly, an' Kado agains' Vlad an' Edward. Ah believe we won. Then Meh an' Vlad against the others. Meh an' Vlad owned 'em.*smiles* So then we moved onto a Free For All where Ah was the last one teh get knocked. Kado took the victory.
                                          Watchman Darek Milako