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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on June 26, 2006, 08:19:25 am

Title: Watchman Trial: Darek Milako II
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on June 26, 2006, 08:19:25 am
Bah! Trial this, trial that! Seems like all I'm doin' is handin' out these trials! Ah well. Who's it for this time? Darek? Darek?!? By Avatar, are we just handing out Covian Caps to anybody? *Sighs heavily* Very well, hand the poor chap a trial.

Watchman Trial: Darek Milako II


* A grand recruitment campaign will be organised by yourself and fellow recruits/watchmen
* You shall demonstrate your ability to lead by organising a hunt through Titan Valley and the Sorcerers Dungeon
* A Guardsman can't always be on duty. You shall lead a group of guardsmen to Trinsic for a picnic!


* During the recruitment campaign you shall or order other recruits/watchmen to place daily banners all across the lands
* At least five guardsmen will accompany you on your hunt
* You will return with no less then 20.000 coins for the Baron coffers.
* During this hunt I want at last one golden Cyclops or titan slain!
* At least four guardsmen will be present at your picinic.
* You will provide food, beverages and entertainment for all those there
* You will build a camping site 1-2 screens west of the Trinsic Gate
* The picnic will last for at least one night
* All events will be reported on by yourself, in this thread

Title: Recruitment Campaign Day 1
Post by: Darek Milako on June 26, 2006, 12:25:03 pm
Ah was glad teh see meh trial ha' been posted. So Ah got teh work fas'. Ah went teh the moongates an' laid some leaflets teh attract fresh meat.
                                      Watchman Darek Milako

Title: Picnic!
Post by: Darek Milako on June 27, 2006, 11:38:05 pm
Trinsic Picnic
Lead by: Darek Milako
Tammy of Vesper
Vince Valentine
Michael Milako
and Vlad
Todeh was a blast. Ah held meh picnic roight after Mela's hunt. I' t'was great. First whoever wanted teh went an' got inteh they civilian clothes.
Hoagie was dressed up in a nice green outfit. Where Vlad came dressed loike a pirate *chuckles to self* Well we all got there an' everybody started mingling an' talkin' an' drinkin' ale an' eatin' food.
So after we all got comfortable everybody wanted Joey teh tell a tale fer us all. So 'e did. A grand tale abou' 'is grandpa an' a White Wyrm in Brit...Ye' 'ad teh been there. T'was great. We all loved i'. Grand tale Joey.
So as 'e told 'is tale Chaffers walked over teh Vince an' showed 'im 'ow teh really Jig....Chaffers the Jig Masta was drunk an' Jiggin' betteh than ever.
So when Joey finished 'is story t'was time fer the Darek Milako Pie eatin' contest.
So Ah go' everybody readeh fer the contest. Contestants were Kelly, Vince, Tammy, Chaffers, an' Perun. Kelly 'ad a cherry pie, Vince, Tammy an' Chaffers 'ad meat pie, an Perun 'ad meh favorite...Blueberry! So they started eatin with their hands behind their back. First out was Tammy. She got in the lead with two pies eaten bu' then stopped. After 'er Chaffers with onleh two pies eaten. Perun 'ad two as well. Bu' soon fell back stuffed. So t'was down teh Vince an' Kelly. Vince got in the lead with three pies. Bu' couldn' finish 'is fourth. So Kelly ate half her fourth pie then Vince got disqualified fer throwin' up. After tha' food fight with the pies. Tammy pied meh. Bu' all was fun an' Ah enjoyed i' alot. Easy task fer a Watchman Trial *winks*.
                             Watchman Darek Milako

Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Darek Milako II
Post by: Darek Milako on June 30, 2006, 01:11:51 am

Title: Meh Honesty Hunt
Post by: Darek Milako on July 01, 2006, 03:35:55 pm
Cyclops Valley and Sorcerers Dungeon
Lead by: Watchman Darek Milako
Mission: Slay a gold monster an' collect 20,000gp fer the Baron
Ah saw there was some good men an' lasses roamin' around todeh. So Ah decided Ah might as well get meh hunt over with. So Ah got everybody tha' was there together an' brought 'em to Cyclop Valley in Honesty, Ilshenar. We ran teh the moongate an' we all was there, except Nich. Ah think 'e stopped fer an ale or two 'cause it took 'im a while teh get there, bu' when 'e arrived we went through the gate into Honesty. We 'ad teh foight off a couple imps an' gazers as we waited fer Tib teh join us. So 'e finally arrived an' we 'eaded to the valley. When we got in there, there was some other people there as well. So we nay 'ad teh worry if we all go' 'urt. Cyclops were chargin' at us from left teh right when Mela appeared out o' nowhere teh 'elp. So we started hackin' away with our swords an' bows an' slayin' the beasts like flies. Titans, ettins, cyclops, they were nay a match fer us Covians. We even took over the stairs.
There were bodies everywhere ye' looked stacked up teh yer waist. We showed nay mercy teh these beasts. We then ran into a golden cyclops. We started fightin' bu' 'e ran away. So we continued our slaughter as we headed inteh the Sorcerers dungeon.  We walked in an' before ye' could move there was cyclops an' titans an' ettins all over the entrance. So we healed each other an' slayed 'em all. We then stayed in tha' room fer a bit lookin fer another gold cyclops. Bu' all we saw was normal ones an' titans. So we, being the strong Covians we are, did wha' first came teh our heads....kill 'em. So we did i' with ease.
We then got tired o' tha' place an' headed back into the open valley in the mountains. We were on our way teh the exit when we saw another golden cyclops. We slayed 'im with nay trouble at all. An' Ah took 'is head an' gold. We then worked our way out an' headed home.
We gathered 40935gp fer the Baron. Huzzah. Thank ye' all who attended an' helped meh out.
                                     Watchman Darek Milako

Title: Tuesday-Sunday of the Recruitment Campaign
Post by: Darek Milako on July 02, 2006, 05:02:15 pm
Ah thought i' would beh easier if Ah did 'em all on one thing fer the board. Except fer Monday...tha' is at the top.
Tuesday- Ah 'it up some moongates with little supplies. We were short tha' day.

Wendsday- Ah 'it up some banks.

Thursday- Ah travelled teh some banks again.

Friday- Ah, again with little supplies, went teh banks.

Saturday-Ah went teh some major moongates.

Sunday- Ah took wha' Ah could an' ran all over some o' the cities teh the Smiths shops. Figured we could use more smith's. So Ah onleh laid out a couple. Ah ran all over an' didn't find the smith's half the time.

Well tha' should beh all.*grins*
                            Watchman Darek Milako