Title: Routine sentry duty Post by: Drake Reilly on June 27, 2006, 09:32:13 pm When: 6.27.06, 7:00 GMT
Where: Various strategic locations Commanding Officer: Vincent Redfield, Junior Dragoon Guardsmen in attendance: Drake Reilly, Guardsman Recruit Hoagie, Junior Dragoon While standing outside the Green Goblin tavern, a group of us were accosted by a towering, brutish orc which had managed to wander far from it's home. In response to this, Junior-Dragoon Redfield's first thought, of course, was for the safety of Cove's citizens. Hoagie and myself assisted in establishing a makeshift perimeter just outside the gates of the old-city. Lest we were caught unawares by a surprise attack, we decided to pace ourselves and reserve our energy for any possible sneak assault. (http://home.comcast.net/~maginnis/img-sent1.jpg) There were no challenges to Cove's authority at the gate while we were in attendance. Vincent, deciding to keep us on our toes, had us rehearse a strategic sentry relocation maneuver. We trekked and hiked, finally arriving at a suitable location to re-establish our defenses. (http://home.comcast.net/~maginnis/img-sent2.jpg) We observed much activity passing through Cove's territory, though all of it involved members of Cove's military either departing for or returning from patrols. It seemed to be a busy day for many of Cove's defenders, and we were content to be dong our part by making sure the homeland was protected. (http://home.comcast.net/~maginnis/img-sent3.jpg) Drake Reilly, Guardsman Recruit |