Title: Classic Reports I: Joey and Ahmed's Travels in Tokuno Post by: Joey Lanai on June 28, 2006, 12:14:49 am Original posting on: October 05, 2005, 03:51:20 pm
Travels in Tokuno "Bloodi' Yellers.." "Joey, Joey !" *Bang Bang* "Lanai wake up ye ejit !" Joey shot up from his bed with a startled look on his face, He looked over to the door rubbing his eyes, Ahmed has his eye to a crack in the door. "Aha, you are awake !" Ahmed kicked the door open, grabbed Joey's uniform pack and hurtled it at him "Get up ye lazy sod, we have exploring to do !" Joey somewhat startled sat up and began putting on his uniform, several minutes later he emerged from his shack and yawned while tugging on his cap, strolling over to Ahmed waiting at the bank. Before they knew it they were off on their next adventure, they marched through the forests to the moongate and through to the land of Tokuno. The men looked around, they were in some sort of town, naturally the first thing they thought was to find the nearest tavern, luckily the sign had a picture of an ale bottle on it, they couldnt read the language. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//tokuno11.JPG) The Two discover a yeller tavern ! The two guardsmen looked around for service, "Waiter... WAITER !" Joey yelled but all they received were strange looks from the staff, after several minutes of being ignored Joey attempted to communicate with the strange people. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//tokuno12.JPG) Joey's subtle attempts at Communication Their questions not being answered, the pair decided to take a look around. Strange pots, small tables with no chairs, everyone seemed to be kneeling around tables other then sitting, this was truly a strange area. The two then set their eyes on what appeared at first glance to be a fountain of some sort, but Ahmed quickly figured out its -true- nature. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//tokuno13.JPG) And relieves himself... (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//tokuno14.JPG) After abusing the locals water supply the two continued their quest to learn more of the culture, they strolled around the town as if they owned the place, fully armed the two took a trip around the entire town. They even tried to speak with one of the town guards, who just seemed contented on ignoring the pair and staring into space, emotionless. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//tokuno15.JPG) Their -Sound- communication efforts go un-answered The two then continued their trip outside the town, they followed what they believed to be a road and followed it for what seemed like miles. After a while the men spotted a glistening golden light in the distance. "Treasure ! it mus' be, these yeller folk are stupid enough t'leave it outside!" Joey said as they began to run towards the light, but once they reached the object they were deeply disapointed. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//tokuno21.JPG) .... The two followed the road not understanding the rediculous signs of the Tokunian people, they were met by strange beasts, foxes with three tails that turned into men, wolves that breathed fire, undead hounds with noxious teeth, giant lizard like men with samurai armour and weapons. After some strange encounters, Ahmed makes a quick judgement of the people of Tokuno. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//tokuno22.JPG) Ahmed's Analysis *Signed* - Joey S. Lanai, Sergeant |