Title: CANCELLED: Recruit Cadre, Monday 03/07/06 Post by: Raiden Morana on June 28, 2006, 10:04:39 am Raiden looks down the Covian Army roster.
A lot of new names, grand! Best put them through their paces eh? *ponders* RECRUIT CADRE When: 7pm GMT Monday 03/07/06 Where: Rally at barracks rooftop Bring: Yer kit... all of it and your fellow recruits who have not yet passed through the cadre. That should do it! *signed* Raiden, Senior Grenadier Title: Re: TODAY: Recruit Cadre, Monday 03/07/06 - CANCELLED Post by: Raiden Morana on July 03, 2006, 01:16:28 pm [ooc]Sorry guys something has come up. If you need the cadre to fulfill your promotional requirements just ask me about it in games and i'll be happy to help you. I may be in game at some point tonight - just dont know what time at the mo.[/ooc]