Title: Training and testing my apprentice Deveriath Fae'al Post by: userjosh5368 on June 28, 2006, 01:07:17 pm Mentor:- Regular Grenadier Vlad
Apprentice:-Deveriath Fae'al Training grounds:-Isuma-Jima(yeller lands) I found my apprentice sitting and the barracks up to nothing so i fought Nows the time for his training to increase we Grenadiers only take the best ay so i told him to meet me at Minoc moongate where we would head to the cursed world of Tukuno Yeller lands pah! As we carried on the small trek i taught him how to throw the grenades prefectly and had him train leading another fellow guardsmen with the Commands he was taught we head from the moongate on a good journey to the wycthes and rune beetle infested lands slaughtered lot of Assassins and such on the way yes... Hers some sketches i taken of mine and his work.. (http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/9454/apprenticerun0cp.jpg) After all hes a good apprentice and mine to! Nice work Dev keep it up! Signed Vlad Regular Grenadier |