Title: Graveyard Hunt Post by: Darek Milako on June 30, 2006, 01:06:39 am Hunt teh the Graveyard
Lead by: Darath Mithar Attended: Darek Milako Vlad Kelly Nathan Damion Redwrath Hoagie An' Ah think tha' is all This was supposed teh beh teh the caves bu' 'caus lack o' time we jus' made i' teh the graveyard. We slayed a Lich an' ended 'is evil plannin' an' we rekilled 'is little minions. They were nay problem fer us. So after tha' we spread ou' teh find more of the lost souls an' walkin' dead. Pretty simple realleh. (http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/4918/gravehunt0be.png) Nathan scouted ou' the outside fer any stray undead. All 'e foun' was an ogre an' couple carnivours. So we headed back home fer them teh get readeh fer Vlad's hunt. (http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/3613/gravehunt27jk.png) Signed Darek Milako Title: Re: Graveyard Hunt Post by: Drake Reilly on June 30, 2006, 06:43:47 am A note scrawled at the bottom of the paper:
I took part in this mission, as well. -Drake |