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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Darek Milako on June 30, 2006, 02:03:46 am

Title: Michael Milako Is Dead
Post by: Darek Milako on June 30, 2006, 02:03:46 am
*tears from Darek's face spread out upon this parchment that reveals his brother Michael's death*
Early this mornin' Meh an' my brother Michael were walkin' around the barracks lookin' fer threatenin' beasts. When a man came teh us in a Deer mask. 'e said tha' he was Har-somethin', Shaman of The Hunnic Horde, an' wanted teh speak with the commandin' officer. We asked wha' 'is buisness was bu' he witheld tha' information. We said we will nay guide 'im teh our commandin' officer if we nay know the buisness. He got mad an' started teh pray teh some god 'e called Tangri. A' tha' moment Michael got uneasy an' attacked the man. As Michael charged towards 'im the Shaman began teh glow blue an' Michael's mace nay hurt 'im. The Shaman then grew a foul grin an' laughed wickedly. He prayed teh "Tangri" an' the "Djin's" fer 'is protection an' a blue lightnin' bolt came down on Michael. The Shaman held the spell sendin' thousands of electricity bolts through Michael. Ah quickly grabbed meh bow an' shot at the man. The arrows disinigrated before even reachin' 'im. Michael fell teh 'is death an' the Shaman said now yer turn.
So Ah flee'd an' hid scared of' wha' teh do. Ah Ran teh the barracks an' saw Mela, Hoagie, an' Nathan. Ah told 'em wha' happened an' they rushed teh Michaels aid. Bu' the body was gone as well as the Shaman. Hoagie went teh patrol the area an' Mela took meh inside teh ask some questions.

 The Hunnic Horde, our enemies? These barbarians could cause a threat teh Cove. The Shaman said they will offer us their alliance if we give 'em food, armor, weapons, an' such. Ah mus' avenge meh brother. *grows a evil look*
                                             Watchman Darek Milako

Title: Re: Michael Milako Is Dead
Post by: Mela Arkay on June 30, 2006, 02:29:23 am
A report left neatly on Erik's desk concerning the death of Guardsman Recruit Michael Milako

Name: Michael Milkao
Age: 20
Appearance:  Long dark hair, built, brown eyes.
Relatives: Darek & Duke Milako
Rank: Guardsman recruit
Death type: Murder
Murder weapon: Staff?
Body retrieved: No, it was gone by the time we reached where it happened.

Interview with eye Witness Darek Milako
Relation to Michael: Brother
Mela: "I want you to calmly explain what happened."
Darek: "Meh an' Michael were meetin' up. We were walkin' aroun' when this deermask guy comes teh us. Askin' teh speak teh our leader on 'is leaders behalf. We said fer wha'? An he started teh pray ter some god 'o 'is. Michael go' scared, charged 'im an' the man struck 'im dead. Then 'e said yer turn. An' ah ran back teh the barracks."
Mela: "And found us?"
Mela:"what he looked like."
Darek:"Rough lookin' Wore a deer mask an' a brown robe. 'ad a stick big beard tough lookin guy."
Mela: "What colour hair and clothes...I need more detail. Did he have a distinct smell? what type of voice?"
Darek:"Rough voice. 'e looked like a barbaric kind 'o man. Brown hair. Smelled like dead things."
Mela: "Did your brother at all know this man?"
Darek:"I nay seen 'im before"

I do believe that this was the same man which was requesting food from us Captain Arkay. I didn't see him but the description fit perfectly, it also fits the description of the man who requested an interview with you. I suggest that the pair be arrested upon sight for futher questioning however it is up to you.


Watchman, Mela

Title: Re: Michael Milako Is Dead
Post by: Raiden Morana on June 30, 2006, 07:28:06 am
Gah! *removes cap*

I am truly sorreh ter hear of ye loss lad.

What that such a monstrous deed would occur in Cove!

Yer brothers in arms are here for ye and we will nay rest until justice has been done!

I can feel a burnin' comin' on!


Raiden, Senior Grenadier

Title: Re: Michael Milako Is Dead
Post by: Mela Arkay on June 30, 2006, 11:39:03 am
(OOC: I just realized you got a comical pic of me and Hoagie there..going on about...*Shifty eyes* the oldies)