Title: COMPLETE: Desart hunt 30th June Friday 7GMT Post by: userjosh5368 on June 30, 2006, 08:11:26 am When:-30th June Friday 7GMT
meet:-Barracks Bring:-Usual E.G. lots of bandages,arrows,potions. We off to Desart to slay a shadow Wyrm and get me some Etheral Flames as well maybe take down a Acient Wyrm at it Huzzah! Hope to see yer lot there Signed Vlad Title: Re: TODAY: Desart hunt 30th June Friday 7GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on June 30, 2006, 01:46:24 pm Ahh Vlad, Vlad, another day, another suicidal mission.
Good stuff indeed, for a grenadier cannot live without peril and danger each day eh? Rarr! |