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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Veldrin on June 30, 2006, 08:13:11 pm

Title: Scale Harvest in Destard
Post by: Veldrin on June 30, 2006, 08:13:11 pm
Hunt in Dungeon Destard
19:00GMT, Friday, June 30th

Led By Vlad, Regular Grenadier
Attended by:
Mela, Watchman
Elsa Noire, Recruit
Hoagie, Junior Dragoon
Nathan Algren, Recruit
Darwin, Recruit
Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
Darath Mithar, Junior Guardsman

I was resting in the barracks after some vigorous training, when Regular Vlad called a lineup outside. After we'd lined up before him, and Darath did his share of grunting and grimacing, and a fellow recruit or two joined our ranks, Regular Vlad led a forced march to Minoc Moongate. Upon our arrival, we entered the shimmering blue portal, instantly appearing halfway across Britannia near Trinsic. Junior Mithar led the way to Destard, the dragon cave.

The heat from the jungle was unpleasant and my boots became soggy from the moist earth, but though the way was difficult to find, we all eventually arrived before the cave of Destard. Downing our night vision potions and donning our torches, we Covian guardsman bravely scrambled into the dungeon.


The darkness did not frighten us as the giant reptiles, dragons, wyverns, and drakes all bombarded us with flame and claw! We slew all in our path, even fighting through a horde of giant snakes as we made our way to the second level of Destard. Cautiously, we marched into the cave and searched for the dreaded Shadow wyrm that was Vlad's target.


Avast! We raised our swords as the phantom beast showed its ugly head. It spit not fire, but magic as we assaulted the foul creature. And as it was finally felled, it conjured undead minions as a final act of evil! As good triumphs over the sinister, they died quickly beneath the might of our blades.

After Vlad finished gathering what undamaged black scales remained, he led our fair party even deeper into the reaches of the dungeon Destard, where an ancient evil stirred. Foolish wyverns met their deaths from our swords as we creeped toward our ultimate target - an aged but all the more powerful wyrm.


It at first hid within the impervious field of stalagmites, snarling and growling at us with wild ferocity. Finally we lured it away from the impassible rocks, and a raging battle was fought! I myself took some heavy injuries but was not deterred from helping to slay the evil creature. It was a long fight, and I had begun to think it impossible to win.


My doubts were disproved as the dragon uttered one final cry as its heavy corpse collapsed with a thud on the cavern floor. We claimed our victory and helped the wounded.

We returned to the shadow dragon lair and fought bravely to collect more dark scales for Vlad's mysterious purpose. But it was soon obvious that we had created quite a scene, and the cavern's inhabitants were growing unhappy with our presense. We became gradually outnumbered, but we bravely stood out ground and slew those who would be our enemy. We then fled Destard before another wave of attackers could come.

We finally arrived back in Cove, thankful to be home and standing before our glorious barracks. We emptied our packs of the gold we had collected - which amounted to over 10,000 pieces! Regular Vlad divided up my shares, and I gratefully took mine, while the rest went to the stores.


Vlad commended us on our hard work, and dismissed us from duty. Grateful to have another moment to rest my aching muscles, I began to write.

Title: Re: Scale Harvest in Destard
Post by: Octiovus on June 30, 2006, 08:20:10 pm
Well written recruit; sounds like you had quite the adventure.

Good show!

Title: Re: Scale Harvest in Destard
Post by: userjosh5368 on June 30, 2006, 09:35:43 pm
I always take em to hell and back keep the hard working ones leave the lazy ones behind *smirks*


Title: Re: Scale Harvest in Destard
Post by: Vince Valentine on July 02, 2006, 12:07:27 pm
Phew, another day, another trip to the depths of the abyss!
Good work there folks, yet more proof that if there's something that needs slaying, the Covian Army is the unit to do it.

     Vince Valentine
    Senior Grenadier