Title: Fortification of the Barracks Post by: Drake Reilly on July 02, 2006, 07:09:32 pm Lead by: Darath Mithar, Junior Guardsman
Attended by: Nathan Algren, Guardsman Recruit Alric Stormcrow, Guardsman Recruit Drake Reilly, Guardsman Recruit Darek Milako II, Watchman Kelly, Watchman Watchman Mela, while out on a stroll through the Coveshire, was ruthlessly attacked by a cowardly Yew scout who had infiltrated our territory. Caught offguards, she was injured before valiantly fending off the sneak assault. On her return to the Barracks, Cove immediately sprang into action. Her wounds were treated and her ailments cured. Captain Arkay, senior commander at the time, ordered the mighty barracks to full attention. An impenetrable fortification was established, guarded by numerous members of our armed forces. Cove was in lockdown, citizens relegated to their homes, and a call for vigilence among the outlying scouts. (http://home.comcast.net/~maginnis/img-fortify.jpg) |