Title: CANCELLED: A walk to remember Sunday 9th July 6pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on July 05, 2006, 08:13:27 am When: CANCELLED
Where: Gather at the barracks What to bring: Suitable clothing and footwear, your walking legs! Hail Guardsmen, You've been working hard these past few weeks i see, what with the liberation of Vesper and such. You deserve a break! Yes, a few hours away from the stress and hardship of being a guardsman in the finest, shiniest Army these lands have ever seen. So i've organised a little hiking trip for you. What do you mean you'd rather sit in the tavern drinking ale??!! We're going to the most scenic spot in the lands where we'll take in the local wildlife, laze around by streams and generally relax. Food shall be provided, along with refreshing drinks. Come along and get to know your fellow guardsmen a little better, and remember, all work and no play makes you a dull Guardsman/Woman. *Nods sagely* Signed Vince Valentine Senior Grenadier |