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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kelly Sanderson on July 05, 2006, 06:58:12 pm

Title: Hunt to Chaos.
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on July 05, 2006, 06:58:12 pm
Time: Around 6:35pm

Led by: Vincent Redfield

Attending Guardsmen:
Drake Reilly (Watchman)
Kelly (Watchman)

Objective: To rid some of those foul, dirty beasts!

Meeting at the Minoc Moongate, Vince explained to me and Drake what our instructions were ('Keep runnin'! An' don' stop! etc), so we wouldn't end up getting eaten by the beasts. But me and Drake were obviously convinced we would surely be eaten, anyway.


We entered Chaos and all the beasts dived on us straight away! One of them Stone Harpies slapped me in the eye wit' one of those big wings!
We ran and ran and ran until we got to a big square qith lava inside the center. We went after the first HUGE beast with the biggest wings i've ever seen in meh life! I nearly bloodi' died by the SIGHT of it! Vincent even looked scared too, which made me even more nervous.
But we strived on, even by the sight of these.. Things! We didn't slay one, not two, but THREE beasts!


After the second one Vince asked if we should do a third, and we said 'AYE!', so we ran around, avoiding the Beast's fire breathing schemes! And we slayed the third beast!


And then i'm sorry to disappoint, but that's when we got borin' and made our way back ter Cove! T'was only a short hunt though. Anyway! I think we did rather well. We managed to gather around eight thousand gold.

Signed: Watchman, Kelly Sanderson.