Title: Mid eve training Post by: userjosh5368 on July 06, 2006, 10:12:31 pm Leading:-Regular Grenadier Vlad
attended:- Regular Dragoon Thomas Sendrich Junior Dragoon Hoagie Junior Guardsmen Mela Junior scout Edmund Rufus We were atop of the roof me,Mela and Hoagie once again me and Hoagie were hard a dueling yet he was unable to defeat me. Soon after i lead a training session focusing on tactical orders and formations (http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/6913/untitled7dc.jpg) after this Regular Dragoon Thomas Sendrich and Junior scout Edmund rufus oin me for some tactical battle training Mela had run off!*mumbles* After the battle traning we finsihed off with a free for all Edmund won this as i was cocky and spared him twice t'was his darn poison Oh well!nice job you that attended keep it up! Signed Vlad Oh also watch yer tongue on parade Mela your a soldier not a toy one |