Title: Training lead by Darek Milako Post by: Drake Reilly on July 09, 2006, 12:05:47 am Lead by: Darek Milako II, Junior Guardsman
Attended by: Drake Reilly, Watchman Hoagie, Junior Dragoon Mela, Junior Guardsman Nicholi, Officer Cadet Yiyo, Guardsman Recruit Junior Guardsman Milako hosted a training session at the top of the Cove barracks this afternoon. Those who attended were put through a warmup regiment of push-ups and laps around the arena. After we were all sweating, we were run through basic formations such as moving as a group and forming around individuals. Some healing training was in order with Hoagie providing the pain. Lastly, those present were split into two teams, with Hoagie leading Darek and Yiyo, while Nicholi oversaw Mela and myself. Nicholi's team came out on top in the two matches, though it took everything we had to overcome the proficiency and steeled teamwork that the opposing team displayed. The organized training was a solid display of leadership on Darek's part, keeping us all on our toes. (http://home.comcast.net/~maginnis/78train1.jpg) Title: Re: Training lead by Darek Milako Post by: Darek Milako on July 10, 2006, 05:15:11 pm Grand report there Drake. 'ope teh see some more goo' ones from ye'.
Signed Junior Guardsman Darek Milako |