Title: Yomostu mines trophy hunt! Post by: userjosh5368 on July 11, 2006, 11:04:29 pm Lead by:-Regular Grenadier Vlad
Attended:- Officer Cadet Nicholi Junior Dragoon Hoagie Junior Scout Mela watchman Drake Reilly Guardsmen recruit Fong Guardsmen recruit Ansatsu Yami We entered the Moongate of Homare-Jima in the yeller lands heading down the path we came upon Yomostu soldiers and quickly engaged them with a skill and speed.We passed down the road till we reached the Mine entranced and quickly found ourselves up to are necks in an army of Yomsostu warriors and mages as well and rogue elements and all sorts.... Heading later on I asked Mela to scout there numbers. But later i was shocked to find her gorget on the ground quickly Knowing that she had been taken captive by the brigand Yomostu and there Elders i commanded the troops to fight faster and harder and push the advance i then found her cap and became even more worried... Soon we engaged an elder and i took his axe as a trophy quickly we headed into the camp engaging There shamans and Elders through out this a Lone warrior had aided us Finally to my relief we found Mela in a cage telling the men to hold their postion and fight of the intruders i smashed the cage open with my mace..... We quickly withdrew taking down only a few on the way out.... (http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/880/untitled4gi.jpg) We collected over 30000 coins of gold Well done all am most proud of yer all Signed Vlad Gained:- 30000gold Trophy Yomostu elder throwing axe |