Title: Special Sentry - Mela's Sentry Post by: Mela Arkay on July 12, 2006, 01:35:15 am After Kellys grand hunt (well done girly you did great!) I lined up the men and decided i'd lead one of those...sentrys. Now course we were low on crates and Hoagie being, The Man had a plan! It was called his budget sentry and what he did was (With our help) put a few crates at the sides with some hides! Good eh? Looked neat.
Sentry was pretty boring no one passed at all, no criminals or thugs, No yewish or even no ogres. So we made our own fun by dancing stupidly and wanging our heads around (it hurt a bit) and *Signed* Mela (http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9295/firstsentry9kp.jpg) |