Title: Portecting Our Ale! -Sentry- Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on July 12, 2006, 07:35:25 pm Led By:
Nicholi~Officer Cadet Attending: Drake Reilly~Watchman Seamus Mchain~Guardsman Recruit The sentry: After leading the lads on a Patrol, I sat in the Messhall thinking to myself, when Watchamn Reilly aproached me and said " What if those Loyalists try and steal our Ale?! We should Protect the Green Goblin!!" I Replied "Your right, You gatehr some hides, I'll sang some Crates!" After a while of trying to figure out how to make Crates, I finbally go it down and returned with a good bit of crates for the Sentry. Drake returned with his hides and we started to build, when the Recruit Mchain joined us, we we're ready to go! (http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/6323/sent2kh.jpg)Although the Sentry was not very eventful, we did run into Gregor Eason, after a bit of his crazy talk, we decided no one would be seiging our Tavern this morn', so we de-constructed and helped Eason inot the Tavern for a nice sit and talk, trying to get him to remember the old him. *Signed* Nicholi Peyton Ravnthorn Officer Cadet, Dragoons |