Title: Report: Gate Sentry Post by: Garak Nightchill on July 17, 2006, 12:48:16 pm When: 12th July
Where: Cove Gates Lead by: Mela, Junior Scout Attended by: Drake Reilly, Watchman Garak Nightchill, Watchman Seamus Mchain, Guardsman Recruit Beaudelir, Guardsman Recruit Scout Mela decided it was time for one of her special sentries and so we duly marched to Cove's gates and set up an impressive sentry post. We did some warm-up exercises and then guarded the sentry post. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/sentry.jpg) Scout Mela then decided to run a small attack simulation with her and myself performing a stealthy attack on the sentry. It didn't go quite according to plan. Then we were visited by former Sergeant Arc, who showed us that his time away hasn't mellowed his disposition. Nothing further to report. Signed, Garak Nightchill Watchman |