Title: COMPLETE: A Grand Guardsman Training: Thursday 20th July 8pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on July 19, 2006, 10:36:30 am When: Thursday 20th July 8pm GMT
Where: Gather on the barracks roof What to bring: All of your basic kit, anyone not presenting a bedroll does the training barefoot! Good day Guardsman I've noticed we've become a little lax when it comes to training, so therefore, i shall be holding an all inclusive, multi-tiered session! Basic commands, listening to orders under pressure, how to address your fellow guardsmen, it's all in here, plus a whole lot more! A sentry and patrols will follow, assuming there are no other events to be held afterwards. Be there, and mabye you'll see me hit something with my newly aquired pike! If the training session lasts for three days that is *Mutters* Stupid bloody thing Signed Vince Valentine Senior Grenadier |