Title: Fortifing the Barracks Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on July 19, 2006, 03:03:45 pm Led By:
Nicholi~Officer Cadet Attending: Darwin~Watchamn The Sentry~ After the news about this so called "Beast" I found it needed to have a sentry up infront of the Barracks considering the Main doors can now be considered useless. After a while juggling around with the crates thrying to get the hides to stay put, we finally got a suitable fortification up, and promply set up guard. (http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/438/beastpr0.jpg) After our Duty, and no sign of the "Beast" we decided best to leave the sentry there to hold the Barrocks safe as the main doors nay do their job. *Signed* Nicholi Peyton Ravnthorn Officer Cadet, Dragoons Title: Re: Fortifing the Barracks Post by: Vince Valentine on July 20, 2006, 08:06:56 am Nicely documented, and a job well done!
Why does Cove attract the loonies so eh? We're like a magnet to rampaging beasts and nastiness of all types. Signed Vince Valentine Senior Grenadier |