Title: Training session hosted by Kelly Post by: Drake Reilly on July 22, 2006, 03:53:30 am Lead by: Kelly, Junior Guardsman
Attended by: Darwin, Watchman Drake, Watchman Hoagie, Junior Dragoon Scorn Bloodtide, Guardsman Recruit Vincent Redfield, Junior Dragoon Our friend and fellow Covian, Junior Guardsman Kelly, hosted a rousing training session in order to keep our forces prepared for official parades. She turned a keen and thorough eye towards our equipment, grilling us on our organization of possessions while making damn sure we had all appropriate supplies for a Covian soldier. (http://home.comcast.net/~maginnis/721train.jpg) To end ceremonies, we finished with what has practically become a tradition for any given training session: a free for fall skirmish. The results were predictable, though Watchman Darwin put up a very strong struggle against Vicent Redfield. (http://home.comcast.net/~maginnis/721train2.jpg) Kelly did a fantastic job with a spur of the moment session, making sure that we stayed on task and on our toes. |