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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on July 22, 2006, 08:41:22 am

Title: Grenadier Missions
Post by: Vince Valentine on July 22, 2006, 08:41:22 am
Finest of the fine, bravest of the brave, you couldn't meet a finer bunch than the barons own grenadiers.....

Greetings Vlad, Raiden,
Now then, i know i'm no longer sergeant of this fine squad, but nevertheless i have some missions that need the grenadiers 'special touch'. As the only two Grenadiers in active service at the moment (Apart from the Captain and myself of course) it's down to you!
Any Grenadier may undertake these tasks, or both of you together would be ideal. Of course if i'm not busy i'd be happy to help out as well.
Go forth Grenadiers, make the Baron proud!

Task One: COMPLETED   

There have been reports of the vile orcs constructing shabby little forts across the lands of malas. These shameful little forts can soon become quite a force to be reckoned with if left uncheck, as we Covians well know! Go forth and burn these forts!

One lies to the North of Luna. Take the North gate, and keep heading north until you come to a small mountain. It's just a little way NW of that. You can't miss it, apparently the orcs have decorated it with the crystals that grow there.

The Second lies near the mining caves of Umbra.
Simply take the Western exit out of Umbra town, and follow the path until you reach the caves. The fort is just before the entrance.


Now, as the seasons change, so do the clothes that people wear. Especially our fine Baron. A shipment of the finest Tokunese silks are due to be delivered to the docks in Britan in the next few days. Due to the high value of these items, The grenadiers have been charged with taking delivery of it. This will require At Least Two
Proud Grenadiers. Once you have secured the load, bring it safely back to Cove!

Please be sure to report each mission, and good luck!

(OOC) All directions are listed according to the UO radar. The silks on mission two can be organised by yourself, or i can do it if i'm availble and given an hours notice. (OOC)

Title: Re: Grenadier Missions
Post by: userjosh5368 on July 22, 2006, 01:41:36 pm
Well as yer might have know i would be the first to crack at these tasks first one is done aye burned them all got a third target as well

North of Luna,east of LunaAnd west of Umbra by that mining cave.
Air still smells of burning pigs aye....


Nay be suppling cove 's fort for a while ay?


Title: Re: Grenadier Missions
Post by: Vince Valentine on July 23, 2006, 10:38:00 am
Fantastic work Vlad! Harr that's grenadier style for sure!
I love the smell of orc burning in the morning....
        Vince Valentine
       Senior Grenadier

Title: Re: Grenadier Missions
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 23, 2006, 02:55:21 pm
That's the way Vlad! Bloodi orcs!

Sorreh i missed it tho', damn tavern duty!



Raiden, Senior Grenadier.

Title: Re: Grenadier Missions
Post by: Vince Valentine on July 24, 2006, 09:29:54 am
Guardsmen attending

Vlad                      Regular Grenadier
Vince Valentine     Senior Grenadier      (Leading)

T'was a warm summers eve as Vlad and I made our way to the docks of Britan. The breeze made the march along the road rater nice, and we expected little trouble.
Our mission, well, we had been commisioned to take safe delivery of a shipment of Tokunese silks. Specially selected for the Baron himself, this expensive silk would fetch a high price were it to be stolen and sold on.
As we reached the docks, all was quiet. We had arranged for the silks to be held in a pack horse, which was to be left just outside the boat.
After a quick scan of the docks area to make sure no undesiriables were lurking about, we located the horse.


Once checked and securely fastened, we began our march home, with Vlad holding the reigns tightly. After a good half hours marching, the quiet birdsong that had been the only sound was replaced by the sound of trees rustling.
That's when they revealed themselves....Loyalists!


We duly told them to sod off, but it seems they were not so easy to get rid of.....
After a few moments attempting to talk them down, they attacked, knocking me to the ground brutally! Vlad managed to dodge a heavy blow from one of them and took to the woods to compose himself. Heavily outnumbered and with no backup near, thing's didn't look good. After a brutal and bloody battle, they overcame him, but not before he'd given one of them a jolly good bashing! Rarr!
With us proud Grenadiers subdued, the loyalist bastards took their prize, the Barons silks.


It seems we were a little overconfident in our abilities, but next time we shal not be making the same mistake! Our cargo taken, we headed back to Cove, where our wounds were tended by the lovely Kelly.
Surely we grenadiers will not stand for this! Revenge shall be ours!

          Vince Valentine
         Senior Grenadier