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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on July 27, 2006, 08:52:51 am

Title: Brigand bashing
Post by: Vince Valentine on July 27, 2006, 08:52:51 am
Guardsmen attending

Salick Kaysen           Guardsman Recruit
Scorn Bloodtide        Guardsman Recruit
Hoagie                      Regular Dragoon
Mela                          Junior Scout
Veldrin Ni'Harel         Regular Guardsman
Vince Valentine         Senior Grenadier (Leading)
Joey Lanai                Dragoon Sergeant
Erik Arkay                 Captain

As i lined the guardsmen up, i briefed them on where we were about to head.
It began with just Myself, Hoagie, Sergeant Lanai, Miss Veldrin and Salick.
We made our way to the Valor shrine, before heading into the dense, dark jungle.
I warned the guardsmen about creepy crawlies that inhabit the wood, the vilest of which.....spiders! *Shivers* What the hells the point of eight legs, that's what i want to know! It's not natural,  why it's.....Ahem, anyway, we soon came to a rather pretty looking bridge.


Crossing it, we headed deeper still into the dense undergrowth, until we reached a narrow valley....
It seemed quiet at first. Until the bloody great dragon popped out that is!
We formed up and took the scaly foe down!
Having greeted the welcoming comittee, we made our way to the end of the valley, where a lone healer live all alone in his little hut.
This is where we made our camp. I politely asked our fine Dragoons to scout the area (Dragoons....scouting!?) to make sure there were no other nasty surprises lurking.


Whilst they were scouting away, we decided to ask the healer if he had any 'Medicinal' Alchohol in stock, as i noticed Miss Veldrin had sustained a very nasty nettle sting! Alas, he had none. I did suggest roughing him up to persuade him to find some, but Recruit Salick very wisely reminded me we may need his services in the not too distant future....

As the dragoons had been gone for some time, we decided we'd make a start on the brigand camp, Miss Veldrin, Salick and I.
We sneakily made our way in, to be greeted by a montrous sight!


Blood, as far as the eye could see! These bastards would pay dearly....
As we battled, we heard the sound of marching coming from the jungle. Our fellow Guardsmen had arrived! With our full force, we stormed their pitiful camp, slaying every last one of them!
Our job done, we began our march home when, suddenly, we noticed a rather large building. What if the brigands had escaped into here? We had to investigate! Twas our duty! As we entered, many skinny folk attacked us, and as we made our way deeper, we realised that the brigands could not have gone so far, for it was a dangerous, dangerous place.


We slayed many a nasty there, before heading out, safe in the knowledge that we'd made the lands alot safer for the common folk. Our job done, i lined the men outside and dismissed them, congratulating them on another fine job.
Finest in the land my fine guardsmen, finest in the land.

         Vince Valentine
        Senior Grenadier

After the other guardsmen had left.....
Vince:     Good job sal, secret mission accomplished *wink Wink*
Salick       Aye sir! We did alrigh' eh? *Grins*

Title: Re: Brigand bashing
Post by: Hoagie on July 27, 2006, 03:03:44 pm
*Murmers as he scribbles a note*

I's nay a junior anymore, Vince!