Title: Sentry at the Great Cove Wall! Post by: Kelly Sanderson on July 28, 2006, 05:26:29 pm Led by: Kelly Sanderson
Time: Late Night. Guardsmen in attendance: Hoagie (Regular Dragoon) Mela (Junior Scout) Vlad (Regular Grenadier) We set up our sentry at the new Cove Wall that Mela built, whilst she set down a banner to advertise her Festival for Friday. The Sentry was much easier to use than setting up the sentry at Cove Gates entering the town, and the place was clear, as usual. (http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/245/gatesentryqx3.png) Yes, so a clear sentry, nothing to report Signed: Kelly Sanderson, Junior Scout Title: Re: Sentry at ne Great Cove Wall! Post by: Mela Arkay on July 28, 2006, 05:37:23 pm Some nice sketches there Kell..me being mardy and Hoagie being..Hoagie..