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In Character Boards => Old Announcements => Topic started by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on July 29, 2006, 08:41:53 am

Title: The Covian Wall!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on July 29, 2006, 08:41:53 am

As you've undoubtably already seen, there is a huge wall a few screens east of the Green Goblin/Barracks cutting off Cove from the rest of the world. A gate is located on the northside of the wall. Although the Barrelwall is visual only:
For whatever reason. Use the gate if you want to leave Cove or you are chasing an enemy.


All guilds have been notified of this wall. Should you find a member of a guild ignoring the wall, roleplay he has FLED. No longer chase the person and send me an ICQ with the name of the person and his guild. I will then make sure he is reminded not to do that anymore. At NO time should you start complaining against that person yourself. If we do it this way people will start respecting the wall and we have a new defensive structure to have plenty of RP and Battles around.

Thank you for your cooperation!