Title: Report: Nicholi's Training Post by: Garak Nightchill on July 30, 2006, 01:32:51 pm Where: Barracks Arena
When: Saturday 29th July Led by: Nicholi, Officer Cadet Attended by: Hoagie, Regular Dragoon Mela, Junior Scout (missed the beginning) Darek Milako, Junior Guardsman Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon Kelly, Junior Scout Vincent Redfield, Junior Dragoon (arrived later) We were ordered to remove our armour and did laps of the arena, doing push-ups at every corner. Thus warmed up, we then broke into pairs and did some kind of bizarre race where one person was on their hands whilst the other held their legs. This led to some unkind comments about certain dragoon's weight. Cadet Nicholi then demonstrated the finer art of fighting, using 'twisting' and suchlike. We broke into pairs and practiced. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/training1-1.jpg) Cadet Nicholi seemed to be quite overcome, asking to see Dragon Redfield's body, to the mirth of all. Sometime after the training we got to put into the good use as my fist-boxing lesson with Recruit Vlad Ironside turned into a general fighting brawl drawing in more and more fighters. The earlier training helped complement my Raging Chimp and Howling Panda hand-to-to-hand fighting stances. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/training2-1.jpg) Signed, Garak Nightchill Watchman |