Title: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Darath Mithar on March 03, 2005, 11:48:30 pm Got a bit of free time therefore willing to make a few sigs for people if they want.
Got some examples of some ive done in Locke's Sig thread underneath this one! Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Dellamona on March 03, 2005, 11:55:44 pm i'll go for one please, actually two ^^
i need one for my KH dark elve ranger, Aglaranna Also want one for dellamona my bock chef ^^ Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Darath Mithar on March 03, 2005, 11:57:20 pm Gah that was quick! :o
Give me a shout on my ICQ Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Dellamona on March 04, 2005, 01:02:39 am Kk ^^
Urmm whats your ICQ ? Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Darath Mithar on March 04, 2005, 01:09:58 am 125-335-247
Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Darath Mithar on March 05, 2005, 12:45:47 am Some sigs i made for Cass and Della today:
(http://img122.exs.cx/img122/6267/cassiuscopy4zt.jpg) (http://img94.exs.cx/img94/1874/cassius3copy2sm.jpg) (http://img151.exs.cx/img151/9823/dellamora1copy8fz.jpg) Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Cassius Livius on March 05, 2005, 01:01:00 am ;D thank you Darath new sig's look great
Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Shadwell on March 05, 2005, 09:10:13 am Yeah it does!
Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Shadwell on March 05, 2005, 09:11:28 am How about trying to make a BoC sig? For general use!
No need to replace our current one. But we could use perhaps a bit darker one to advertise the Darker side to BoC ;D Title: Re: Anyone want a sig? Post by: Daelin on March 05, 2005, 12:37:23 pm Whoa... those sigs looks absolutely great Darath.. sweet work on them! ;)